Cloak Any URL AND Split Test Any Number of Pages You Want All With One Easy To Use Script Installed On Your Website!

Now you can have the same pure marketing power as the guru marketers without
ever hiring a programmer or even knowing what HTML stands for!

ProRotator 5.0

Tuesday, March 11, 2025
From: Jim Nelson

Are you tired of constantly promoting affiliate products and not earning the commissions you expected? If you have been online for more than 15 minutes then somebody somewhere has told you to "go to Clickbank and find a hot selling product to promote"!

So you did what they said. You picked out a product and placed some ads. You might have used pay per click or placed classified ads or done the Twitter/Facebook dance.

You were excited. You placed your ads. You did your part.

And then nothing happened! You can see that you got clicks to your link but no sales.

Want to know why?

Because dirty, evil commission thieves are constantly patrolling the Internet stealing commissions by the thousands!

These people read your articles and see your ads and even click your links. But when the time comes to buy they simply replace your affiliate ID with their own and steal your commissions.

This is a BIG reason why so many affiliate marketers never make a dime even though they work as hard as they can!

But what if there was a way to protect your commissions and help get more traffic to any site you wanted to promote too, all without any extra work.

You just do what you are doing now but you earn more commissions and get better search engine rankings to... automatically!

If that sounds like what you want read the rest of this short page and discover how a program I wrote for my own use can help you earn more than ever before.

I am thrilled to introduce to you ProRotator!

Protect Your Affiliate Commissions!

It's a fact - evil commission thieves are just waiting to steal your hard earned commissions!

Here's how they do it. They see YOUR ad and then replace YOUR affiliate link with their own, in effect stealing YOUR commissions!

But now you can defend yourself and start earning the commissions YOU deserve with ProRotator!

ProRotator is a simple piece of software that will allow you to cloak any affiliate link you promote. In fact, ProRotator will allow you to cloak ANY link at all!

If you are not familiar with the term "cloaking" let me explain. When you "cloak" a link you simply are showing your visitors an internal link when they mouse over an affiliate link or any link you have published, so the visitor doesn't think they are leaving your site or clicking on an affiliate link.

Split Test With One Click Of Your Mouse

I'm sure you have heard about "split testing". Split testing is where you compare one version of a sales letter or squeeze page against another to see which one makes more sales. Top Internet marketing gurus like Ryan Deiss have said they would never put a sales letter online without split testing. It's that important!

But it's also very hard to do. Or I should say it WAS hard to do before ProRotator!

With ProRotator you can rotate an unlimited number of pages so you can determine which performs better! This is split testing the quick and easy way!

Here's how it works. You create a ProRotator campaign and enter in the URLs you want to split test. Many people use variations of their index page and call them index1 and index2... something like that.

Now you promote the link ProRotator gives you instead of promoting index2 or index 3 directly. When people click your ProRotator link they are evenly rotated between the different versions of your sales letter!

Visitor 1 goes to version 1. Visitor 2 goes to version 2 and so on.

This way you can tell which version of your sales letter performs best so you can keep the winner and get rid of the losers.

ProRotator even gives you an invisible image tag you can put on your thank you page so you can track which sales letter created more income for you!

But it doesn't stop there - you can split test more than just sales letters! Imagine being able to split test any page you wanted. Here are only a few possibilities.

  • Sales letters - test long vs. short copy
  • Blog posts
  • Different versions of the same article
  • Squeeze pages (also called "landing pages")
  • Tweets to your twitter lists
  • Your home page with a fancy header or without graphics
  • And more!

If you are not split testing now you are leaving money on the table. Now you can split test like the big dogs without having any technical knowledge at all.

Get Better Search Engine Rankings Automatically

Did you know that when you promote an affiliate product using the affiliate link you are provided you are building the product owner's search engine ranking and not your own!

It's true! If you promote a link that looks like this then Google and the other search engines reward Clickbank with better positioning, not you!

https://Your Clickbank

That is a standard Clickbank link and all the search engines will reward Clickbank and not you for putting that link out there!

But what if you could promote ANY Clickbank product you wanted AND build your reputation with the search engines at the same time?

Now you can!!

This is one of my favorite features of ProRotator. When you order ProRotator today I will install it on your domain free.

If you don't have a web hosting account I can even help you with that since I own a hosting company myself.

What that means is that the URLs you will be using from this point forward will all be YOUR own URL!

So instead of promoting this link:

https://Your Clickbank

You can now promote a link that looks like this:

Not only is that link prettier and more natural but also you are FULLY protected and will be getting better search engine rankings automatically because it's a link to YOUR domain!

And we all know that better rankings in the search engines means more free traffic to your site!

I'm sure you own domain names now, right? All you have to do is choose which name you want to use and I will do the rest!

Super Charge Your Article Marketing!

Are you marketing with articles? If you are and you are not using a rotator then you are not yet experiencing the full power of article marketing.

Using a rotator link is the missing ingredient in article marketing success!

ProRotator will help!

So many people today have heard how great article marketing is so they write articles (or have them written) and put the articles on all the article directories.

Then they wait. And they discover that their articles are getting viewed but they are still not making sales!

Why? Commission thieves!

Now you can protect those commissions with ProRotator!

What about changing the product you promote AFTER you put the article on the article directory?

With ProRotator you can put a link to YOUR domain in the article (many article directories require this) and then change where that link actually goes anytime you want!

Let's say you find a product you want to promote and write an article to promote that product. You put your article on all the article directories like Then you discover that you want to promote a different product but the article directories won't let you change the links in your resource box!

With ProRotator you simply change the URL the rotator points to and presto... your existing article is promoting a completely new product!

You Could Even Run Your Own Advertising Co-op Using ProRotator!

Have you ever wanted to promote a hot selling product but not had enough money to afford the pay per click or solo ad campaign you really wanted to run?

We all have, and it's frustrating to say the least. You KNOW you could make sales if only you could get the word out about the product!

ProRotator to the rescue!

Now you can run your own advertising co-op and even get FREE ADVERTISING to boot!

Here's how it works. You find a few other people who are in the same situation you are - they want to promote the same product you want to promote but can't afford a full out advertising campaign.

What you do is pool your money together so you CAN afford that campaign, and you use YOUR ProRotator to rotate the traffic between your different affiliate links!

Now here is where the FREE ADVERTISING comes in.

Since you are doing the work of setting up the co-op and providing the rotator link and placing the ads, you don't pay any cash for your part of the co-op!

Your share is paid for by the work you do of setting up the co-op, placing the ads and reporting the results to your fellow co-op members.

Imagine promoting ANY product you want free for the rest of your life! These co-ops can be set up in a day or less!

You Will Save Time And Money Too With ProRotator. I Guarantee It!

I'm so confident that ProRotator will do everything I have described here and more that you can try ProRotator totally free for a full 60 days. I will install ProRotator on any domain you own (if you don't have a hosting account I can help with that too) and you can begin using it immediately. Use it to cloak your affiliate links, rotate different sales letters... whatever you want. If you are not fully satisfied that ProRotator is making your marketing life easier I will issue a complete refund with no questions asked!

(INSTANT Download!)

Only $97$47(includes installation)

Order ProRotator 5.0 now

It's Time To Take Control Of Your Marketing And Start Earning
The Commissions You Deserve!

Whether you are an affiliate marketer or you own your own product now is the time to start using ProRotator!

With ProRotator you will have complete control of your marketing. You will be able to split test like a pro without all the technical hassles of installing programs or writing code or any of that.

You will look more professional because the links you use for advertising and marketing will be links to YOUR domain.

You will earn more commissions by stopping greedy commission thieves dead in their tracks.

And you will get more free traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing because you will be promoting links that go to YOUR domain, not to the domain of the company you are promoting.

Haven't you waited long enough to experience all the power of what ProRotator can do for you?

I look forward to working with you.

Jim Nelson

P.S. Remember, I will install ProRotator on your domain free. I literally do this myself to make sure it's done right. Like you I only have 24 hours in a day so I reserve the right to pull my free installation offer anytime. After I do installation will cost at least $30 or more!

P.P.S. Top marketers all know that protecting your affiliate links and split testing are two of the most important things you can do online. Now you can experience the power they have without any technical knowledge at all. If you can send email and visit websites you know everything you need to know to use ProRotator right now. Let's get started!

(INSTANT Download!)

Only $97 $47(includes installation)

Order ProRotator 5.0 now